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Feasting Florida

Enjoying a sustainable, organic, lifestyle indulging in all Florida's Cuisines throughout the seasons

How to have great compost

Composting is a great way to add nutrients the soil, and to reduce food waste. Traditionally composting is done in a black box, or covered with a tarp, or something similar. It is done this way because the heat generated actually speeds up the decomposition of materials and promotes healthy microorganisms. The darkness also allows for humidity to accumulate which is vital. (150F is ideal)

Compost also needs to be turned or rotated. This keeps the microorganism working, adds air and oxygen to the mix, and most importantly, keeps an even mix. A weekly turning of materials will do the trick. Layer ingredients until you reach capacity. Alternate between brown (grass/yard clippings, leaves, shredded newspapers, sawdust, ash) and green (food scraps). [Brown is nitrogen rich, green is carbon rich.] From there, start the turning or rotating until you have glorious "black gold". This takes approximately 4-6 weeks.

What if you can't have a compost bin? Try adding small amounts of daily "scraps" to your soil, and mixing in. This will fortify your soil, and reduce your food scrap waste tremendously.

Another great benefit is the emergence of "volunteers" from fruit seeds and vegetable trimmings.

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